Why do I need specialist help with my fundraising application? Don’t I know my organisation better than anyone?

You do know your organisation better than we ever could, and your knowledge is essential to all fundraising applications. However, using a specialist can ease the process and increase the likelihood of success in several ways.

We can help you to:

1Find a suitable funder

The first step in securing financial support is to find a suitable source of funds. This can be one of the biggest problems for some organisations. Every funder has strict criteria for submissions; these can include parameters on the turnover of the organisation, its beneficiaries, and what the money is to be spent on.

Experts have experience of applying to a wide variety of trusts, lotteries, corporate and private funders, and can use this knowledge to find and advise you on those most appropriate for you. Finding a suitable funder will increase the likelihood of success.

2 – Identify your USP

Many people working for charities or good causes are so immersed in what they do, that it can be difficult for them to step back and identify what sets them apart from others. Grant givers need to be persuaded that their money will make a real difference to those who need it most, so the onus is on you to tell them what you can do with it that others can’t.

A good specialist will ask the right questions to quickly identify your unique selling point (USP).

3 – Recognise gaps in your project

When you have created an organisation or project, you can become so focused on the positive benefits it bestows, that you become blind to problems that prevent you from maximising its potential.

For example, you might be offering free pottery classes to schoolchildren but, unless you have researched how best to reach those who would not otherwise be able to take part in such activities, e.g. for financial or geographical reasons, you might not actually be providing the benefit you think you are.

Employing a specialist will give you a critical friend who can identify and make you aware of these issues in advance of questioning, or a knock-back, from a funder.

4- Tick all the boxes

This might seem simple but it is essential that you provide all the information requested, or your application could be rejected. Some applications are lengthy and very detailed; it can be easy to miss something important.

Specialist fundraising application writers will be used to working to tight deadlines and will have procedures in place to ensure that all requirements are met.

Finally, of course, it is worth pointing out that, by employing someone else to do work that is not your forte, you can focus on what you do best.

It can seem expensive to pay for an expert but their experience will allow them to complete the application more quickly and efficiently than you can.

You need to work out what it would cost in terms of your own staff time to do the application in-house, and then compare this to the expense of using a specialist. You will probably find that not only is it less stressful for you, but it is also more efficient.

Contact us to find out more about how we can help you. Your initial consultation is always free.